Love Live!
Honoka fans are attracted to her sunny and upbeat personality. She may get down but usually never for long, and her optimistic outlook brightens her friends and bring happiness and good cheer to her fans. Faito dayo!
Honoka Kosaka Shrine @


Of all the members of μ's, Honoka has the most expressive face. You could almost tell what she's thinking just by looking at her. Honoka is an open book, and some find this aspect of her charming (and funny when she makes a funny face!)


Honoka demonstrated her belief that anything's possible through persistence and hard work, and even if she over does it at times, her determination and

She never planned to be a leader; in fact Honoka wouldn't mind someone else taking the role- but Honoka

refusal to give up especially when things looked bleak early on was very moving as well as inspiring.
Start Dash!
is a great natural leader and really the only one who could haved united the μ's. The group got together with her positive and magnetic personality and without Honoka the group could not have stayed together. What is great about Honoka is that she is so unassuming yet at the same time persuasive and powerful.