Love Live!

Rin Hoshizora Shrine @
Tomboy Catgirl
Nyan~ Nyan~ Nyan~!
Our favorite catgirl is on the prowl! Rin's cute catlike behavior is beloved by many of her fans. Many also find her tomboyish personality endearing.
Part of Rin's appeal is her positivity. She never feels down for long. She's a ray of sunshine ready to brighten your day.
Fun Loving
Rin is a bundle of energy ready to burst at any time. She loves any kind of activity that's fun, especially ones that involves moving around a lot. The other girls could hardly keep up with her once she starts running off somewhere!

Some of Rin's fans can very much relate with her struggles with her self image, because some of us have went through the same things she did- Watching her work out her insecurities with her friends' support gives many of her fans motivation and hope. Not only did she give encouragement, but Rin received it as well. Her transformation into a leader is truly inspiring.