Love Live pilgrimage #4: Akiba Strip, UDX Building
Going back east, down the stairs from Kanda Shrine, is the main Akihabara strip. This is where the "Kotori Run" in Episode 9 happened ^_^
The run started at the Sofmap building, which is across the street from one of the Taito game stations:

She ran down the street past a tonkatsu shop, then rounded a right turn at the famous anime/manga collectible store Mandarake (this is not shown in the anime!) and then past the used electronics store Hard Off before making another turn down another side street from there.

Full sized image below: (sorry, you have to use the scroll bar at the bottom)

This is the tonkatsu shop Kotori ran in front of.

As I head back across the strip and toward the north exit of Akihabara Station, I took some time around the UDX building ("UTX High School" in the anime) where Honoka first saw A-RISE displayed on the monitor:

...and also where Nico appeared, looking at the same monitor on the pedestrian bridge:

This is also where µ's competed with A-RISE, head-to-head!

Note how UDX is "UTX" and Sofmap is changed to "Sofpuma" LOL!

The challenge begins.

Yume no Tobira! It happened on the roof of this building!

From the pedestrian bridge to UDX. Looking away from the UDX building, we see the Gundam Cafe and AKB48 Cafe & Shop.

My last shot of the stairs leading off of the pedestrian bridge down to the plaza in front of the Akibahara Station north exit before heading back to the apartment. This was my last night in Akihabara and Tokyo... I had a great time and this has been a very memorable experience, visiting some of the places µ's have been and following their footsteps. I hope you've also had fun taking part in this journey with me!