Love Live!
μ's - Nico Yazawa
Age: 17
Born: July 22nd - Cancer
Blood Type: A
Height: 5' 1"
Vital Statistics: B29" W22" H31"
Favorite Food: Sweet things
Doesn't like: Spicy stuff

Nico is the president of the Idol Studies club at school, as well as the manager of μ's who is an idol expert responsible for drawing up master plans of increasing the group's popularity as well as representing the group in lot drawings.
A polar opposite of Maki who serves as her foil (...or is it the other way around), Nico never has any trouble speaking her mind- Unless it has something to do with what happened with her previous attempt at running an idol team. What happened had hurt her greatly, but in the long run made her stronger in her current role. There are two Nicos- The idol Nico and the real life Nico. The idol Nico is a lovable sacrin-sweet angel,
while the real Nico is a chilipepper firecracker full of spunk and spite. Nico is haughty with a big head the size of Jupiter, but this attitude also makes her an excellent manager and club president. Nico's unique demeanor is often ghastly but hilarious- She sometimes steals the show with her antics. Nico is impossible sometimes, but she is extremely entertaining.