Love Live!
Nico Yazawa Shrine @

"NICO-NICO-SMILE!" Nico brings a smile to the faces of her fans with her signature idol move. Both on and off the stage, fans love her performance as her big personality bursts from her small frame. The idol side of her is sweet and cute, particularly when she lets her long hair down. Her bouncing twin tails also have a special appeal when they twirl with each adorable Nico-Ni!

Nico's quite the character... Mischief is her name and trouble is her game. There's no doubt that Nico is unique; she won't take anything from anyone sitting down and she will let everyone know it! Nico's a bit much for some, but for the fans who love her, Nico's hilariously outrageous behavior and spunky attitude make her doubly lovable.
Perhaps it's her trying past, or her responsibilities to her young siblings- Nico cares very much for her friends as well as her family. Her trials had made her strong but also gifted her with a passionately caring heart.


Spunky Imp❤

Haughty Outside

Stuck up, haughty, egotistical... Whatever it appears to be, Nico projects the epitome of confidence. However, those who know her know it's a shield to protect herself and hide from her vulnerabilities. When Nico acts up, she's very funny to watch but her soft side is just around the corner when she's alone.